I workout 5 days a week and I try to challenge myself with what I am doing because lackadaisical workouts produce lackadaisical results. It can be humbling when you feel your extremities trembling because they aren’t strong enough to do what you know they should. So it is with me in my opportunity for growth that I am in currently. I can admit to my many weaknesses. I think it goes deeper than that though. If you acknowledge them you have to try to overcome them. This is not easy, this involves changing a mind set that doesn’t serve you well or at all. The best thing about this is you don’t do it alone. That is if you learn to trust your Heavenly Father and do it the right way. Sometimes at least for me this involves taking a deep breath, and maybe several more, because it is easy for me to fly off the handle when things go wrong. I’m a far cry from what I was, however, I still need lots of work. I may never actually do very well in this area, but if I look at it one day at a time or one moment at a time I will overcome to the best of my ability. At this point the Saviors atonement can make up for my very deficient areas. The part about humbling yourself is very real to me. I have learned that it is only a part of what is required. This is where faith comes in, although I like to think of this as trust. Trusting that everything is fine and the panic button does not need to be hit every single time. One day I will become strong or at least stronger then I was, but until then I am just as imperfect as everybody else. Life is about growing and changing over time until we have grown and learned all those things that we need to, not about been perfect. My strength might be your weakness or vice versa. We all can learn and grow together.