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Pride, experience and reason

Everyday is a new adventure, sometimes good sometimes bad. Today was impossible, risky and pointless all at the same time!! However, I overcame it all because of the little whisper of hope that helps me to move forward. I think I have finally learned that life is for living. I have spent many years behind my computer screen finding deceased ancestors for others. Never really venturing out of my comfort zone. In the last year I have tried to overcome that comfort zone habit. I have climbed a scary mountain where I faced my fears and survived too. I have attempted other things too that have challenged and pushed me. It used to be that waking up was a chore, but I reset my mind that what I was doing was fun and enjoyable. Sometimes we have to talk ourselves into things, however when we do the blessings are immediate. You actually do attract what it is you want. So I say kill the pride, forget the experience, and make sure you don’t have negative nancy telling you it’s pointless, because the heart is the strongest, softest voice of all.

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