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So lately I have really been working on this. I very much like to overthink and analyze things. This has been a life long thing. I have had to slow down that process. When I do overthink things it stops me from having faith and creates a negative outlook. I have looked to the moment that I am in so that I can intentionally create what it is I want. I use to say I wanted to run away and create a new life where nobody knows me. Well, guess what most people don’t really know you and what you are really  trying to run away from is their expectations!! or what you think are their expectations. That alone is most of the overthinking that is done!! I can’t do this because of this….I can’t do that because of that! I have pushed passed that a few times and yes, I can tell you that those people who you think will try to talk you out of it,  they probably will!!! The question is how firm are you on what you have been led to. For example, I wanted to go to college a long time ago, I didn’t make it until after I had been out of school for 20 years. However, I investigated the possibility back in 1994 (7 years after high school) but I didn’t go there, because I had kids and they needed daycare, because I didn’t know what I wanted to be when I grew up, lol, because it would cost gas money and that’s expensive, because it would cost money to go. Yea, all that and probably more that I am forgetting. Guess what, I did go to school when I had a 2 and 4 year old, I also didn’t exactly know what I wanted to be then too, yes, it cost gas money and money to go on student loans, what was the difference?? It was more expensive years later, but I decided to TRY!!! I decided that even though I had these issues I had to just step out there and TRY!!! Guess what I found? I found joy in it!! I found I learned easily, and I was quite capable of handling it all. If I can do it so can you!!!!!