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Sometimes it is so difficult to know what to do in certain situations. I know that as I continue to give the spirit time to be with me, by praying, scripture study and reading conference talks it becomes easier to make those decisions. It even makes life less stressful and  less chaotic. Centering ourselves on the Savior is never wasted time.  It allows us to feel of his love for us and in this world I think that is a very critical thing to know and to feel. How many times do we have one of those days when we feel overwhelmed, anxious and not cared about. I have had many days like that, but as I have taken the time to invest into feeling the spirit I can then make it through the day with less troubles that distress me. I actually read the scriptures when I get up and read them again before I go to bed, I call that book-ending my day. I have also had days when I was full of pride and thought I know better than God, but something always happens to bring back my humility. Those days of pride don’t happen near as often or stay long. So each day I face it with my heart softened my faith strengthened and my ability to love others is greatly increased because I love the Lord, of course if you catch me in slow moving traffic I can’t say I’m perfect…haha. But God gave me that challenge to show me my weaknesses so that I can turn to him and work on it. Always take time to invite the spirit into your world, it makes life easier.