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Is Anything Too Hard For the Lord

Hi again, I’m trying to get back into the swing of things. It’s my busy season and it finally slowed down enough that I can attempt a post. I was reviewing some drafts that I have on here from a few years ago and what came to me was sometimes repentance is what is needed. Also that giving up on certain things might be what is really needed. Really I’m not the type to give up on some things. I keep on trying but maybe to make this more clear its more about a change in attitude or a shift in direction. If you ever have tried to fix something and it just isn’t working the way it should, you take and try a different method, right? Sometimes it might even take a little help, more like a little more muscle. In my mind I’m thinking of my husband trying to remove a cv axle from the drivers side of a foreign made vehicle. Tried as he might this had him in tears. He could not get it to move, he prayed, he tried a different approach and still nothing. So I called for some back up. So this friend came over and he tried and they both tried and it still didn’t budge. Finally after some pushing on one side and pulling on the other (much like childbirth at this point), it finally popped out! See you are still involved but, it’s not all on you. The burden is shared and even though the burden was shared in this example, honestly it was Heavenly Father who made it happen. There is something about having our burdens shared that needs to be addressed, which is when we share our burden we relax. When we relax the spirit can then help us. The spirit will not be part of any negativity and we know this but sometimes we might know something but we don’t actually do that very thing that we know will help. Of course all of this goes right back to is anything too hard for the lord? Well if we ask him to help us he will, if we get frustrated and have the spirit leave us then we ask again for his help, he will give it. Finally in the end it really comes down to I can do no more, then he steps in and makes it happen according to His will and His timing. Its all part of humility. Recognizing that Heavenly Father is in charge and its only His will that makes things happen, not ours. I’m sure in the bible that more than a few times Sarai gave up on ever having a child and just decided to be happy with what the plan was, but really it comes down to that she was in the end blessed with a child, of course at a very old age, and yes with that….is anything too hard for the Lord? The answer is no!