What an adventure life can be. I think I have finally got to the place where I can feel that deep inner peace again. Yes, I have felt it before! Of course just in case you might know me doesn’t mean it carries over into every aspect of my life, or sticks around for long. I still have little moments of anxiety about things that are probably of no consequence however, they feel like huge things to me when they happen. Life is not perfect far from it in fact. There are still plenty of issues and troubles that are on the one side and on the other, but I choose to look at the positive. This is in no way saying I am ignoring the issues in front of me, it just means that I don’t get sucked into the black hole of despair that Satan lies waiting to give me. Have you ever noticed anything Satan does is in the negative? Maybe that is why we are counseled to look to God and live because he only deals with positives. With that being said notice that before you get to deep inner peace that you have to want to please him and not yourself. I am not suggesting that I have perfected that yet, but I am trying. Isn’t that the way it is for everybody? We all have our moments where we want to please Him and sometimes it takes a lot to get there. I always thought that I wanted to please Heavenly Father until I was faced with something that made the pride appear. Interesting because of seeing that pride show up, it exposed a whole bunch of weaknesses. I never really knew how weak I was. The majority of this weakness exposure was in the area of trusting Heavenly Father. I think I do but then I don’t. I admit it is difficult to trust when things have not worked out well before. I suppose the best way to get through anything is to only look at the moment that you are in, live it fully, and stay positive about the future knowing full well that Heavenly Father is in charge. Sometimes that means that you take little baby foot steps because going too fast would bring on the fear and destroy our peace. So it is in the small moments of every day where we look up to God in our thoughts to maintain the positive and eventually to feel that deep inner peace. It is not surprising then that this is something that only we can control by living in the moment and looking to Heavenly Father in every thought. Yes, we are fully in charge of this, because Heavenly Father is always there for us in every single moment of every single day. It is our actions or inaction’s that separate us from Him. Deep inner peace, what is it worth to you?