I am in a perpetually being educated state. This can only happen if you be still within yourself and become humble enough to accept the answers. Sometimes the answers may surprise you, or scare you, or comfort you. However the process of learning is the same. Remaining humble. Now I don’t profess to be someone who is humble 24/7. That would just never happen in this lifetime anyway. I am still every little bit human and totally not the most obedient person around. I am prone to frustration and irritation that I admit I don’t deal with very well. Sometimes we get a little too lost or a little too confused with things and we have to take a break. Only to be reminded of what we already know. Sometimes this is a good thing sometimes it is a hard pill to swallow. Thing is I am humbled one way or another. I really hate it when it is the compelled to be humble lesson. Which means that I have too much pride. There are some parts of my life that pride is getting in my way. This is where I need the most learning and growth evidently. I don’t like it but in order to overcome this I have to go through difficult experiences that is how it is designed. The thing is you can’t run from the lesson. You just have to face it and ask not for a reprieve, ask for a way through it. Ask for strength and courage to work it out. Ask for guidance most importantly, and you will get the help you need. Then the lessons learned with prepare you for the next step in your journey!