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Finding peace

” We may not have the ability to control all that happens around us, but we can control how we apply the pattern for peace that the Lord has provided—a pattern that makes it easy to think often about Jesus.” W. Christopher Waddell. Its so hard to have peace. Things go wrong all the time and bad things can happen at any moment. How we can have peace is by coming to know who our Savior is and reading what he did and finally following in his footsteps. It’s not easy and you really have to become like a little child, who is humble, patient and full of love. Yes, it’s difficult. We are all hard wired to become cynical, jaded and non trusting. We have been hurt, we have been damaged, we needed help and never got it. We have been in perilous situations that we could have been saved from, but that is the point. Life is meant to have those situations. It’s not meant to be a fun all the time. We have things that aren’t so great happen to us. Yes, but we are to learn and grow from it. Look at the picture it looks so calm and so peaceful, yet what is the danger that lurks beneath. You may see, two buoys in the water but the third thing that you cannot see is the gator in there. Then notice the walk way, its broken, its damaged and a person could fall to their death or be eaten by that gator. For such a serene setting there seems to be bad things in it. This is just one picture notice how you only saw the good in it. That is life, see the good in it. Deal with the bad don’t ignore it. Just deal with it by knowing that God is in charge and if that is what you have been brought to then you are to learn from it. We can’t control that gator or that damaged walkway. We can control if our thoughts are centered correctly how to get through it. Center your thoughts on how many unjust things happened to our Savior. He didn’t deserve those things but he did them for us. We don’t have to suffer through, we can be thankful that we have someone who loves us so much that he would take all that on. Finally we become closer to him when we have to suffer, because he suffered immensely for us, much more than we ever will.