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Perfect Plan

Story of my life!! As I have struggled along trying to do the best I can I have thought that I had an idea of perfect, however, it didn’t seem to work out quite perfectly as I thought it would. I have done what I felt led to do, with […]

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This one can be difficult to do at times. In a lesson on forgiveness time constraints and new training forced a teacher to overlook and disregard a powerful story of forgiveness because it was more important to read a quote from somebody than to hear personal tragedies. This may have […]

Pain and Joy

Everything in life has it’s opposite, pain and joy are certainly no exception. Sometimes the pain is prolonged and sometimes it is short lived. It always seems that the joy portion as great as it is never seems to stay nearly as long as the pain. I suppose if you […]

Praying to know

I spend a lot of time praying, you think I would become good at it. I guess I am still learning. Sometimes you have no idea of what to do next or which direction to go in. This can be quite unsettling. It can also bring a good dose of […]

Posted in P


Several months ago I decided to look up the definition of the word precious after hearing the reference on the radio. They were referencing a movie that had come out in 2009, but I was more interested in the word usage. Yes, I like words and dictionaries always have. The […]

Pride, experience and reason

Everyday is a new adventure, sometimes good sometimes bad. Today was impossible, risky and pointless all at the same time!! However, I overcame it all because of the little whisper of hope that helps me to move forward. I think I have finally learned that life is for living. I […]

Posted in P


Sometimes it is difficult to have faith when things go wrong. Honestly though having perseverance is probably needed to get through whatever the issue is. I know I get really difficult sometimes when I am challenged…like today!!! I was at the bank taking care of some business matters and the […]