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Being authentic

“Perhaps if we can be assured that the Lord has counseled us to share our true feelings under the influence of his spirit, we might gain the courage to be an authentic person and to build relationships that may have the potential to last through eternity.” William G. Dyer. Picked a tough one today. Sometimes we are moved to say things and we don’t say anything. Sometimes we say things in such a way that it causes offense. I was in a meeting one morning and I had the words come to my mind but refused to say them because I was intimidated so I said WOW instead. I don’t know if that was more rude than saying hypocrite much, but I felt it was more polite. Hindsight tells me otherwise though. I did not want to be fired as I felt that it was possible that day. Regardless I argued with the spirit on that one. How many times has a moment passed by when I didn’t say something because of how I thought it would be perceived. Too many times to count…it can be so hard to do at times especially when it is someone we care about. This is not living authentically or showing care and concern for anyone. This is important because we don’t say what we know we should and then we just build up a wall of resentment and anger towards others because we never cleared up the air between us. How can anyone have a healthy relationship when there is a wall in the way.? This is what makes an eternal relationship, being able to talk about things…nobody is an island. We are here to become our best selves. I do admit that tone and inflection might be important when discussing important matters as long as it is done with the right spirit we should just say it. If we don’t we are more afraid of man than of God. Which then pits us against the spirit and causes all sorts of stress for us. Be authentic say what you feel when moved by the spirit, it’s the only way to live!