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Several months ago I decided to look up the definition of the word precious after hearing the reference on the radio. They were referencing a movie that had come out in 2009, but I was more interested in the word usage. Yes, I like words and dictionaries always have. The […]


How many times in my life has this come into play. I have doubted many times, however with that I have also hoped many times. It is so difficult to hope that things will go well. I have heard someone say that it is rigorous to look to the Lord […]

Posted in D

Challenge and trust

Today was a challenge. I have so much to do that I feel like my head is spinning. There have been times today when I honestly did not know how to resolve an issue, but I will say that in my moment of despair I found the answer. It wasn’t […]

Posted in C


Everyday I get up and do my usual routines, conference talk, scriptures, exercise and prayer. Of course within that prayer and scripture study I am asking for Heavenly Fathers help to accomplish those things on my agenda, with the caveat that I will do those things that He would want […]

Posted in H

Not knowing

There are so many times that I didn’t actually know what was up and had to ask Heavenly Father to help me understand. Then of course I had to keep going. Never really knowing if what I was doing was the correct thing to do. As a parent this happens […]


I like to think I have some good habits. In fact I know I have some really good ones, I also have some really bad ones!! However, I figure if I bookend my day with the good habits then anything that comes in between those times will not be near […]

Posted in H

Pride, experience and reason

Everyday is a new adventure, sometimes good sometimes bad. Today was impossible, risky and pointless all at the same time!! However, I overcame it all because of the little whisper of hope that helps me to move forward. I think I have finally learned that life is for living. I […]

Posted in P


The only thing that goes with us from this life is the knowledge we have gained here. Money, vehicles, possessions nothing else. I have always tried to educate myself in different areas, it’s probably why I have earned my degree and certificates. Some of this knowledge I use regularly some […]

Posted in K


Sometimes it is difficult to have faith when things go wrong. Honestly though having perseverance is probably needed to get through whatever the issue is. I know I get really difficult sometimes when I am challenged…like today!!! I was at the bank taking care of some business matters and the […]